Dear Aunt Madelyn,
We enjoyed visiting you last weekend at the rehab facility. I hope that your hip heals quickly and that you will be back to living in your own home soon. Thank you for sharing your spunk and perseverance, because you inspire me.
“What is my purpose?” you asked. That is a question I have wrestled with myself. What is God’s role for us on this earth? At times that is obvious, like taking care of our children or doing the task at hand to help someone. At other times, we struggle to understand the what and why of our existence. I think that sometimes God asks us to be obedient, even though we don’t understand the purpose or outcome.
Thank you for the many ways you gave us joy and meaning during our visit. Do you realize that you are the family historian, as the only living member of your generation? The story you shared about your nephew Craig’s adorable mispronunciation as a young child, which brought nostalgic memories for your nephews Craig and his brother Bruce. That story and the other memories you shared were a precious gift, enabling them to remember their grandparents, parents and childhood.
The recipe information you gave Bruce’s wife Gail answered several questions she had about family and holiday recipes. The details you described were very helpful, and your sharp memory is much appreciated.
“There’s the lady with the beautiful voice!” announced one of the facility’s volunteers who stopped by to see you. She spoke of how she enjoyed hearing you sing at church. Your response was apologetic, saying you had to give up choir at age 90, when your voice wasn’t as good as it used to be. What a talent that you could sing in church choir until 90 – and that you still sing with the congregation.
“I’m ready to go,” you commented. Your peace with God came across in the conversations the five of us shared. You expressed no fear about leaving this earth. Instead, your reliance on God is obvious, and your faith-based outlook is a great role model. The flower baskets and many cards, propped up on every available surface of your room, were evidence of many relationships with people who love you – and probably are not ready to see you go.
Thanks again, Aunt Madelyn, for visiting with us and spending time teaching us. You motivated me to find meaning in the life God gave me, use my talents to serve God, and trust God for His timing on the length of my life.
Happy 98th Birthday next month, dear Aunt Madelyn!
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