For seven years, my young adult son did not visit our home. A surprise visit recently gave me a ringside view of his prodigal pigpen predicament. Suffering consequences of his own doing, he sat mired in the sludge of sin and self-pity. My son remained independent, proud, and unwilling to submit to God. From my mom-vantage point, I hurt as I observed his emotional pain.
How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? Psalm 13:1-2The depression covered my prodigal like a turbulent storm cloud, unleashing its hail of condemnation and tornado of confusion. Like a dank encompassing fog, depression penetrated his body, mind, and soul. The vegetative signs of depression were sad to watch: an expressionless face, perpetual sleeping, mindless gorging on food. Anhedonia, the lack of joy or pleasure, reigned in his life. Having progressed beyond numbness, … [Read More...]